Laser Skin Treatments®

Laser treatments use advanced laser technology to address a variety of skin concerns such as sun damage, fine lines, wrinkles, uneven pigmentation, and acne. Laser therapy stimulates collagen production, promoting healthier and more youthful-looking skin. The procedures are versatile, with minimal downtime, and can be tailored to specific skin areas. Clients typically experience improved skin texture and tone, with long-lasting results when following recommended aftercare.

BroadBand Light (BBL) by Sciton

With aging and years of sun exposure, many people develop brown spots, redness, broken blood vessels, fine lines and wrinkles. Broad band light (BBL) uses high intensity light to produce a more even skin tone. The energy delivered by BBL also gently heats the upper layers of the skin, stimulating the production of new collagen. BBL can also be used for the treatment of acne and rosacea.

Generally three corrective treatments followed by periodic maintenance visits are recommended for optimal results.

  • How does it work?

    Sciton BBL is a powerful Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) device that can be used to gently heat the upper layers of the skin and stimulate cell regeneration. This treatment can clear, smooth, and restore your skin's natural beauty, resulting in younger looking skin. It is gentle, non-invasive, and safe to use on untanned skin; however alternatives such as chemical peels or microneedling may be recommended for tanned or highly pigmented individuals. 

  • What areas can you treat?

    I can help you develop a personalized treatment plan to address age spots, small facial veins, rosacea and other skin conditions using BBL energy. We have a solution for all your skin concerns! 

  • Any downtime?

    Most people can return to their normal activities shortly after the procedure. You might notice some mild redness and peeling similar to a sunburn in the days following treatment. To ensure optimal results, it is important to avoid direct sun exposure prior and post-treatment.

Red Touch Laser

RedTouch (DEKA, Italy) is the first and only laser system using a 675 nm laser for effective and gentle facial skin rejuvenation, skin tone restoration and scar reduction. The wavelength of 675 nm is currently the only one interacting with collagen. Compared to other laser systems for aesthetic medicine targeting the water contained in the skin, RedTouch treatments target collagen in the skin and are much more effective in rejuvenating the skin and reducing the signs of ageing.

  • How does it work?

    RedTouch Laser works by stimulating collagen production with its special wavelength system, which helps to strengthen and repair damaged cells in the dermal layer of the skin. This leads to healthier, more radiant skin overall. Additionally, these wavelengths are gentle enough to treat delicate areas like around the eyes with little to no downtime.

  • What areas can you treat?

    RedTouch Laser is highly versatile and can be used to treat the face, neck, chest, arms, abdomen, hands and feet. It can also be used on areas such as the jowls, jawline and cheeks. 

  • Any downtime?

    Clients typically experience subtle improvements in their skin’s texture and tone directly following the treatment with continued results over time. As with any laser treatment, there may be some redness or irritation post-treatment but this should subside within a few hours. Additionally, it is important for clients to avoid direct sun exposure for at least 2 weeks after their RedTouch Laser session.  With proper care and maintenance following the treatment, clients can expect to see lasting results. 

Deka C02 Cool Peel Laser

Deka Co2 Cool Peel offered at Bespoke Medical is a revolutionary skin resurfacing treatment that can reverse the signs of aging and improve the overall texture and tone of your complexion. If you are looking for an effective solution for improving your skin’s appearance without any downtime, this could be the perfect option for you.

  • How does it work?

    This cutting-edge treatment uses CO2 energy to remove the outermost layer of skin. It works by gently exfoliating the top layer of the skin with a combination of carbon dioxide (CO2) energy, providing results faster than traditional chemical peels. This allows fresh, healthy skin to take their place without any downtime. It is important to note that this treatment can be tailored to suit each individual’s needs depending on the area being treated, which is why it is so versatile and effective for a variety of conditions.

  • What areas can you treat?

    Deka Co2 Cool Peel can be used safely and effectively on almost any area of your body including the face, neck, chest, hands and arms. It can also be used to treat specific issues such as acne, wrinkles, stretch marks, sun damage and uneven pigmentation

  • Any downtime?

    Immediately after your treatment you may experience some redness and mild swelling that should subside within a few hours. Your skin will feel smoother and softer as the dead cells are removed to reveal fresher looking skin underneath. You can expect to see full results in a few weeks or months depending on the area being treated and the condition of your skin beforehand. It is important to follow your provider’s post-treatment instructions for best results, such as avoiding direct sun exposure and using sunscreen when outdoors.

Every Laser treatment provided is tailored specifically to meet each patient’s individual needs.

*All Prices are subject to tax

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A 30 minute consultation and assessment, provides the perfect opportunity to ask questions. Discussing which treatments and skincare would best suit your goals.

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